
Do you have cases that fail to fully heal with classical homeopathic remedies alone?


Do you work with clients on the Autism Spectrum, or who suffer from ADD/ADHD, Lyme,

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and other similar chronic complaints?


Have you struggled to effectively deal with the many Obstacles to Cure

that are so prevalent in our modern times?


Then come learn about CEASE Therapy!

CEASE is a highly effective homeopathically based method developed by Dr. Tinus Smits to cure autism that simultaneously strengthens the constitution, removes obstacles to cure and supports the physical body as it detoxifies and heals itself. Detoxification is the number one issue of our time, and CEASE holds a key to this epidemic problem that is at the root of so many of our modern chronic illnesses (not just autism!).


Join Certified CEASE Instructor Kim Kalina, CCH, RSHom (NA) for a special

CEASE Q & A teleconference on Thursday May 24th at 7:30pm

& receive $100 discount off the course if you register by June 1st


Learn more about Kim’s background as a classical homeopath, teacher & CEASE Therapist,

her experience and success with using CEASE for autism and other modern illnesses, and

the comprehensive curriculum that will be taught during the Certification Course in June


There is so much more to CEASE than what you may have read in Autism: Beyond Despair

so come join the call and see if this might be just what you and your clients need...


Please RSVP and/or submit your questions for the teleconference to – call-in info below:

Date & Time: Thursday May 24th at 7:30pm for up to 90 minutes

Conference Call-in Number: 1-218-895-2802

Conference Passcode: 8888 (followed by the “#” sign)